There are three main avenues for donations to Effective Ministries, Inc. Choose your giving link below and you may use a credit card or bank account to give online.
General Donations
Often needs arise both here and in Niger. If you would like to give a general donation to be used where it will be most beneficial, please use the link below and indicate if this is a one-time donation or a monthly recurring donation. Thank you.
By giving $10.24 each month, you can help change a life in Niger, Africa. When you join LiveTen24, you enable us to continue to work toward improving health, water, orphan care, education, and micro-business through assisting and empowering our ministry partners in Niger. For more information or to become a monthly member of LiveTen24, please use the link below. Thank you.
Keystone Partners are investing in the future of our work in Niger, Africa through consistent monthly donations, designated specifically to support organizational expenses, which enable us to remain committed to utilizing 100% of our LINK Missions, LiveTen24, and Schools for Niger Africa donations for ministry purposes. For more information or to become a Keystone Partner, please use the link below.